Totem pole is series connection of BJT and a diode. It ensures that at one time only one of the two output transistors is ON thus, reducing power dissipation. Also since the transistors are connected in common collector mode thus output impedance is small resulting in fast charging times of capacitive loads. The disadvantage of totem pole is that it does not facilitate wired logic. So we have to use open collector modes.
Monday, December 19, 2016
What is gray code ?
The reflected binary code (RBC), also known as Gray code after Frank Gray, is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit (binary digit). The reflected binary code was originally designed to prevent spurious output from electromechanical switches. Today, Gray codes are widely used to facilitate error correction in digital communications such as digital terrestrial television and some cable TV systems
What is a flip flop ?
A flip flop is a binary storage device. It can store binary bit either 0 or 1. It has two stable states HIGH and LOW i.e. 1 and 0. It has the property to remain in one state indefinitely until it is directed by an input signal to switch over to the other state. It is also called bistable multivibrator.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Types of Noise in a noisy channel.
Noise is any undesired signal in a communication circuit. Another definition calls noise unwanted disturbances superimposed on a useful signal, which tends to obscure its information content. There are many varieties of noise; however, the four most important to the telecommunication/data communication technologist are thermal noise, intermodulation noise, crosstalk and impulse noise.
Thermal noise occurs in all transmission media and communication equipment, including passive devices. It arises from random electron motion and is characterized by a uniform distribution of energy over the frequency spectrum with a Gaussian distribution of levels. Every equipment element and the transmission medium itself contribute thermal noise to a communication system if the temperature of that element or medium is above absolute zero. Whenever molecules heat above absolute zero, thermal noise will be present. The more heat generated or applied, the greater the level of thermal noise.
Intermodulation (IM) noise is the result of the presence of intermodulation products. If two signals of frequencies F1 and F2 are passed through a nonlinear device or medium, the result will contain IM products that are spurious frequency energy components. These components may be inside or outside the frequency band of interest for a particular device. IM products may be produced from harmonics of the desired signals in question, either as products between the harmonics or between a harmonic of one of the signals and the other basic signal or between both signals themselves. The products result when two (or more) signals beat together or "mix."
Crosstalk refers to unwanted coupling between signal paths. There are essentially three causes of crosstalk: (1) electrical coupling between transmission media, such as between wire pairs on a voice-frequency (VF) cable, (2) poor control of frequency response (i.e., defective filters or poor filter design) and (3) nonlinear performance in analog (FDM) multiplex systems. Excessive level may exacerbate crosstalk. Analog transmission is distorted by crosstalk and it will deteriorate the BER performance of a digital path.
Impulse noise is a noncontinuous series of irregular pulses or noise "spikes" of short duration, broad spectral density and of relatively high amplitude. In the language of the trade, these spikes are often called "hits." Impulse noise degrades telephony only marginally, if at all. However, it may seriously corrupt error performance of a data circuit.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Expain application of antenna polarization.
Applications of antenna polarization
Different types of polarization are used in different applications to enable their advantages to be used. Linear polarization is by far the most widely used for most radio communications applications. Vertical polarization is often used for mobile radio communications. This is because many vertically polarized antenna designs have an Omni-directional radiation pattern and it means that the antennas do not have to be re-orientated as positions as always happens for mobile radio communications as the vehicle moves. For other radio communications applications, the polarization is often determined by the RF antenna considerations. Some large multi-element antenna arrays can be mounted in a horizontal plane more easily than in the vertical plane. This is because the RF antenna elements are at right angles to the vertical tower of pole on which they are mounted and therefore by using an antenna with horizontal elements there is less physical and electrical interference between the two. This determines the standard polarization in many cases.
In some applications there are performance differences between horizontal and vertical polarization. For example, medium wave broadcast stations generally use vertical polarization because ground wave propagation over the earth is considerably better using vertical polarization, whereas horizontal polarization shows a marginal improvement for long distance communications using the ionosphere. Circular polarization is sometimes used for satellite radio communications as there are some advantages in terms of propagation and in overcoming the fading caused if the satellite is changing its orientation.
Different types of polarization are used in different applications to enable their advantages to be used. Linear polarization is by far the most widely used for most radio communications applications. Vertical polarization is often used for mobile radio communications. This is because many vertically polarized antenna designs have an Omni-directional radiation pattern and it means that the antennas do not have to be re-orientated as positions as always happens for mobile radio communications as the vehicle moves. For other radio communications applications, the polarization is often determined by the RF antenna considerations. Some large multi-element antenna arrays can be mounted in a horizontal plane more easily than in the vertical plane. This is because the RF antenna elements are at right angles to the vertical tower of pole on which they are mounted and therefore by using an antenna with horizontal elements there is less physical and electrical interference between the two. This determines the standard polarization in many cases.
In some applications there are performance differences between horizontal and vertical polarization. For example, medium wave broadcast stations generally use vertical polarization because ground wave propagation over the earth is considerably better using vertical polarization, whereas horizontal polarization shows a marginal improvement for long distance communications using the ionosphere. Circular polarization is sometimes used for satellite radio communications as there are some advantages in terms of propagation and in overcoming the fading caused if the satellite is changing its orientation.
Monday, November 21, 2016
What is the difference between FDD and TDD ?
Frequency Division Duplex
FDD requires two separate
communications channels. Wireless systems need two separate frequency
bands or channels. A sufficient amount
of guard band separates the two bands so the transmitter and receiver don’t
interfere with one another. Good filtering or duplexers and possibly shielding
are a must to ensure the transmitter does not desensitize the adjacent receiver.
requires two symmetrical segments of spectrum for the uplink and downlink
a cell phone with a transmitter and receiver operating simultaneously within
such close proximity, the receiver must filter out as much of the transmitter
signal as possible. The greater the spectrum separation, the more effective the
Time Division Duplex
uses a single frequency band for both transmit and receive. Then it shares that
band by assigning alternating time slots to transmit and receive operations (Fig. 3).
The information to be transmitted—whether it’s voice, video, or computer
data—is in serial binary format. Each time slot may be 1 byte long or could be
a frame of multiple bytes.
alternates the transmission and reception of station data over time. Time slots
may be variable in length.
of the high-speed nature of the data, the communicating parties cannot tell
that the transmissions are intermittent. The transmissions are concurrent
rather than simultaneous. For digital voice converted back to analog, no one
can tell it isn’t full duplex.
some TDD systems, the alternating time slots are of the same duration or have
equal DL and UL times. However, the system doesn’t have to be 50/50
symmetrical. The system can be asymmetrical as required.
For instance, in
Internet access, download times are usually much longer than upload times so
more or fewer frame time slots are assigned as needed. Some TDD formats offer
dynamic bandwidth allocation where time-slot numbers or duration are changed
on the fly as required.
real advantage of TDD is that it only needs a single channel of frequency
spectrum. Furthermore, no spectrum-wasteful guard bands or channel separations
are needed. The downside is that successful implementation of TDD needs a very
precise timing and synchronization system at both the transmitter and receiver
to make sure time slots don’t overlap or otherwise interfere with one another.
Applications :
Most cell-phone
systems use FDD. The newer LTE and 4G systems use FDD. Cable TV systems are
fully FDD.
wireless data transmissions are TDD. WiMAX and Wi-Fi use TDD. So does Bluetooth
when piconets are deployed. ZigBee is TDD. Most digital cordless telephones use
appears to be the better overall choice, but FDD is far more widely implemented
because of prior frequency spectrum assignments and earlier technologies. FDD
will continue to dominate the cellular business for now. Yet as spectrum
becomes more costly and scarce, TDD will become more widely adopted as spectrum
is reallocated and repurposed.
Tabular differences :
Tabular differences :
What is duplexing ?
Duplexing is the process of
achieving two-way communications over a communications channel. It takes two
forms: half duplex and full duplex.
In half duplex, the two communicating parties take turns transmitting
over a shared channel. Two-way radios work this way. As one party talks, the
other listens. Speaking parties often say “Over” to indicate that they’re
finished and it’s time for the other party to speak. In networking, a single
cable is shared as the two computers communicating take turns sending and
receiving data.
Full duplex refers to simultaneous
two-way communications. The two communicating stations can send and receive at
the same time. Landline telephones and cell phones work this way. Some forms of
networking permit simultaneous transmit and receive operations to occur. This
is the more desirable form of duplexing, but it is more complex and expensive
than half duplexing.
What is a Sun synchronous orbit?
Sun Synchronous orbit is a
special case of the polar orbit where the satellite travels from the north to
the south poles. However, in a sun synchronous orbit, the satellite passes over
the same part of the Earth at roughly the same local time each day which
provides nearly same surface illumination every time. This is a useful for
imaging and weather satellites.
How sun-synchronous orbits differ from geo-synchronous?
Geo-synchronous orbits are those orbits in which
object revolves in the same time as taken by earth rotation on its axis. Hence,
an object in geo-synchronous will always appear stationary at all times from
earth. A geo-stationary orbit is a geo-synchronous orbit exactly above equator.
With fixed latitude & eccentricity, satellites placed in geo-synchronous
orbit will give easy information on weather & communication without
monitoring the antenna for signal every single time.
On the other hand,
a sun-synchronous orbit faces sun at all times in such a way that an object in
its orbit appears ascending or descending from earth at same position at same
local time every day. This is because for an object in sun-synchronous orbit, surface
illumination angle matches mean solar time also sometimes called as sidereal
day of earth. Since it is always lighted, satellite in sun-synchronous orbit is
best-suited for Earth observation purposes such as Remote sensing giving a
clear & bright view of earth at all times from its imagery.
What is the need and objective of Channel Allocation Scheme. Explain different type of channel allocation strategies.
In radio resource management for wireless and cellular
network, channel allocation schemes are required to allocate bandwidth and
communication channels to base stations, access points and terminal equipment.
objective is to achieve maximum system spectral efficiency in bit/s/Hz/site by
means of frequency reuse, but still assure a certain grade of service by
avoiding co-channel interference and adjacent channel interference among nearby
cells or networks that share the bandwidth.
are two types of strategies that are followed: -
FCA, fixed channel allocation: Manually assigned by the network
dynamic channel allocation,
dynamic frequency selection
Fixed Channel Allocation or Fixed Channel Assignment (FCA) each cell is given a
predetermined set of frequency channels. FCA requires manual frequency
planning, which is an arduous task in TDMA and FDMA based systems, since such systems
are highly sensitive to cochannel interference from nearby cells that are
reusing the same channel.
results in traffic congestion and some calls being lost when traffic gets heavy
in some cells, and idle capacity in other cells.
and DFS:
Frequency Selection (DFS) may be applied in wireless networks with several
adjacent non-centrally controlled access points.
more efficient way of channel allocation would be Dynamic Channel Allocation or
Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA) in which voice channel are not allocated to
cell permanently, instead for every call request base station
channel from MSC.
spectrum can be considered as an alternative to complex DCA algorithms. Spread
spectrum avoids cochannel interference between adjacent cells, since the
probability that users in nearby cells use the same spreading code is
Sunday, November 20, 2016
What is Avalanche Photo diode. Mention its applications.
An avalanche photodiode is a semiconductor-based photodetector (photodiode) which is operated with a relatively high reverse voltage (typically tens or even hundreds of volts), sometimes just below breakdown. In this regime, carriers (electrons and holes) excited by absorbed photons are strongly accelerated in the strong internal electric field, so that they can generate secondary carriers, as it also occurs in photomultipliers. The avalanche process, which may take place over a distance of only a few micrometers, for example, effectively amplifies the photocurrent by a significant factor. Therefore, avalanche photodiodes can be used for very sensitive detectors, which need less electronic signal amplification and are thus less susceptible to electronic noise.
applications of avalanche photodiodes include
- receivers in optical fiber communications,
- range finding, imaging,
- high-speed laser scanners,
- laser microscopy,
- and optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR).
Mode for Single Photon Counting :
operated in the so-called Geiger mode with carefully designed electronics,
avalanche photodiodes can be used even for single photon counting with dark
count rates well below 1 kHz and with a quantum efficiency of several tens of
percent, sometimes even well above 50%. The Geiger mode means that the diode is
operated slightly above the breakdown threshold voltage, where a single
electron–hole pair (generated by absorption of a photon or by a thermal
fluctuation) can trigger a strong avalanche. In the case of such an event, an
electronic quenching circuit reduces the voltage at the diode below the threshold
voltage for a short time, so that the avalanche is stopped and the detector is
ready for detection of further photons after some recovery time of e.g. 100 ns.
That dead time constitutes a substantial limitation of this technology. It
limits the count rate to the order of 10 MHz, whereas an avalanche diode in
linear mode (i.e., operated with lower reverse voltage) may be operated with a
bandwidth of many gigahertzes.
Photon-counting APDs are also called SPADs = single-photon avalanche diodes. They can be used in quantum optics experiments (for example, for quantum cryptography) and in some of the applications mentioned above if an extremely high sensitivity is required.
What is Ideality Factor in p-n junction diode ?
The ideality factor
of a diode is a measure of how closely the diode follows the ideal diode
equation. The derivation of the simple diode equation uses certain assumption
about the cell. In practice, there are second order effects so that the diode
does not follow the simple diode equation and the ideality factor provides a
way of describing them.
The ideal diode
equation assumes that all the recombination occurs via band to band
or recombination via traps in the bulk areas from the device (i.e. not in the
junction). Using that assumption the derivation produces the ideal diode
equation below and the ideality factor, n, is equal to one.
recombination does occur in other ways and in other areas of the device. These
recombinations produce ideality factors that deviate from the ideal. Deriving
the ideal diode equation by considering the number of carriers the need to come
together during the process produces the results in the table below.
Recombination Type | Ideality factor | Description |
SRH, band to band (low level injection) | 1 | Recombination limited by minority carrier. |
SRH, band to band (high level injection) | 2 | Recombination limited by both carrier types. |
Auger | 2/3 | Two majority and one minority carriers required for recombination. |
Depletion region (junction) | 2 | two carriers limit recombination. |
Explain TDM , FDM , Statistical Multiplexing briefly.
Frequency division multiplexing (FDM): Divide the frequency
spectrum into smaller subchannels, giving each user exclusive use of a sub
channel (e.g., radio and TV). One problem with FDM is that a user is given all
of the frequency to use, and if the user has no data to send, bandwidth is
— it cannot be used by another user.
division multiplexing (TDM): Use time slicing to
give each user the full bandwidth, but for only a fraction of a second at a
time (analogous to time sharing in operating systems). Again, if the user
doesn’t have data to sent during his timeslice, the bandwidth is not used
(e.g., wasted).
Statistical multiplexing: Allocate bandwidth to arriving packets on demand. This leads to the most efficient use of channel bandwidth because it only carries useful data.That is, channel bandwidth is allocated to packets that are waiting for transmission, and a user generating no packets doesn’t use any of the channel resources.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
What is an Electromagnetic Wave?
A wave produced by the acceleration of an electric charge and propagated by the periodic variation of intensities of, usually,perpendicular electric and magnetic fields.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Explain Satellite Graveyard and its purpose.
Due to the non-spherical shape of Earth, one more
effect called as the “Satellite Graveyard” is seen. The non-spherical shape
leads to the small value of eccentricity (10-5) at the equatorial
plane. This causes a gravity gradient on GEO satellite and makes them drift to
one of the two stable points which coincide with minor axis of the equatorial
Working satellites are made to drift back to their position but out-of-service
satellites are eventually drifted to these points, and making that point a
Satellite Graveyard.
(Note: A graveyard orbit, also called a supersynchronous orbit, junk
orbit or disposal orbit, is an orbit significantly above GEO where satellites
are intentionally placed at the end of their operational life. It is a measure
performed in order to lower the probability of collisions with operational
spacecraft and of the generation of additional space debris. The points where
the graveyard is made are separated by 1800 on the equator and are set
approximately on 750 E longitude and 1050 W longitude.)
What are disadvantages of satellite in Geostationary Earth Orbit ?
Disadvantages of GEO:
Northern or southern regions of the Earth (poles) have more problems receiving these satellites due to the low elevation above a latitude of 60°, i.e., larger antennas are needed in this case. Shading of the signals is seen in cities due to high buildings and the low elevation further away from the equator limit transmission quality. The transmit power needed is relatively high which causes problems for battery powered devices. These satellites cannot be used for small mobile phones. The biggest problem for voice and also data communication is the high latency as without having any handovers, the signal has to at least travel 72,000 kms. Due to the large footprint, either frequencies cannot be reused or the GEO satellite needs special antennas focusing on a smaller footprint. Transferring a GEO into orbit is very expensive.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
State 3 conditions for a geostationary satellite.
There are three conditions which lead to geostationary
satellites. Lifetime expectancy of these satellites is 15 years.
1) The satellite should be placed 37,786 kms (approximated to 36,000 kms) above the surface of the earth.
2) These satellites must travel in the rotational speed of earth, and in the direction of motion of earth, that is eastward.
3) The inclination of satellite with respect to earth must be 0 degree .
1) The satellite should be placed 37,786 kms (approximated to 36,000 kms) above the surface of the earth.
2) These satellites must travel in the rotational speed of earth, and in the direction of motion of earth, that is eastward.
3) The inclination of satellite with respect to earth must be 0 degree .
Why Uplink Frequency In Mobile Phones Is Less Than Downlink Frequency?
The reason is power supply of mobile phone is a battery bank, and it is very limited,if uplink frequency is more,i.e. frequency of wave from mobile phone to telecom tower is more, then large amount of power is needed to transfer this frequency,so more power should be consumed in mobile phone so user have to charge his mobile phone after a very less interval which must be annoying for users,after noticing this fact designers made a system in which uplink frequency is less than downlink frequency.
Why is the uplink frequency greater than download frequency in satellite communication?
There are two main reasons for the up-link frequency being grater than down-link frequency. Attenuation and Power limits.
- On the earth, the transmitting station has a large bank of power and also may need to transmit to multiple satellites. Higher frequency means the signal has higher energy (
E=h\v ), though this has the effect of being attenuated easily by the atmosphere. Hence, the signal needs to be of higher intensity to compensate. Example, blue light is absorbed easily by the atmosphere than red, hence the evenings have red skies. So why do we need higher frequencies? - The atmosphere has the Ionosphere
- Since the ground stations have rather larger sources of power as mentioned above, they can afford the higher power consumption to get the signal to the satellite. Also, satellites only have so much power source to amplify the received signal.
The satellite faces technical problems of its own.
- Satellites are powered by solar panels and this calls for low power transmission. Low frequency signals can only be transmitted efficiently by the satellite.
- It also does not face the problem of signals getting reflected by the ionosphere. So lower frequency signals are used by satellites.
- This is not a problem to receiving stations on earth as they use sensitive circuits and can afford to have large antennas that usually operate on LOS (Line Of Sight) which ensures the signal is captured reliably.
What is faraday rotation in satellite Comm. ?
Faraday rotation
Faraday rotation is an effect that affects satellite propagation. Faraday rotation results from the fact that the ionosphere is a magneto-ionic region. The Faraday rotation of a signal causes different elements of a signal to travel in different ways, particularly rotating the plane of polarization. This can create some problems with reception. A linearly polarized signal can be considered as two contra-rotating circularly polarized signals. The phase velocities of these two signals vary in a magnetic medium such as the ionosphere and as a result the polarization of the signal changes. The degree of change is dependent upon the state of the ionosphere and it follows the same pattern as that experienced for HF ionospheric communications changing over the course of the day, with the seasons and over the sunspot cycle.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Explain Geostationary and Geosynchronous Orbits.
A geostationary orbit is one in which a satellite orbits the earth at exactly the same speed as the earth turns and at the same latitude, specifically zero, the latitude of the equator. A satellite orbiting in a geostationary orbit appears to be hovering in the same spot in the sky, and is directly over the same patch of ground at all times.
A geosynchronous orbit is one in which the satellite is synchronized with the earth's rotation, but the orbit is tilted with respect to the plane of the equator. A satellite in a geosynchronous orbit will wander up and down in latitude, although it will stay over the same line of longitude. Although the
terms 'geostationary' and 'geosynchronous' are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not the same technically; geostationary orbit is a subset of all possible geosynchronous orbits.
Geostationary objects in orbit must be at a certain distance above the earth; any closer and the orbit would decay, and farther out they would escape the earth's gravity altogether. This distance is 35,786 kilometers (22,236 miles) from the surface.
A geosynchronous orbit is one in which the satellite is synchronized with the earth's rotation, but the orbit is tilted with respect to the plane of the equator. A satellite in a geosynchronous orbit will wander up and down in latitude, although it will stay over the same line of longitude. Although the
terms 'geostationary' and 'geosynchronous' are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not the same technically; geostationary orbit is a subset of all possible geosynchronous orbits.
Geostationary objects in orbit must be at a certain distance above the earth; any closer and the orbit would decay, and farther out they would escape the earth's gravity altogether. This distance is 35,786 kilometers (22,236 miles) from the surface.
What is effect of Non spherical shape of earth on GEO satellite? What do you mean by station keeping ?
As the shape of Earth is not a perfect sphere, it causes some variations in the path followed by the satellites around the primary. As the Earth is bulging from the equatorial belt, and keeping in mind that an orbit is not a physical entity, and it is the forces resulting from an oblate Earth which act on
the satellite produce a change in the orbital parameters.
Due to the non-spherical shape of Earth, one more effect called as the “Satellite Graveyard” is seen. The non-spherical shape leads to the small value of eccentricity (10-5 ) at the equatorial plane. This causes a gravity gradient on GEO satellite and makes them drift to one of the two stable points which
coincide with minor axis of the equatorial ellipse.
In addition to having its attitude controlled, it is important that a geostationary satellite be kept in its correct orbital slot. The equatorial ellipticity of the earth causes geostationary satellites to drift slowly along the orbit, to one of two stable points, at 75°E and 105°W.
To counter this drift, an oppositely directed velocity component is imparted to the satellite by means of jets, which are pulsed once every 2 or 3 weeks. These maneuvers are termed east-west station-keeping maneuvers.
the satellite produce a change in the orbital parameters.
Due to the non-spherical shape of Earth, one more effect called as the “Satellite Graveyard” is seen. The non-spherical shape leads to the small value of eccentricity (10-5 ) at the equatorial plane. This causes a gravity gradient on GEO satellite and makes them drift to one of the two stable points which
coincide with minor axis of the equatorial ellipse.
In addition to having its attitude controlled, it is important that a geostationary satellite be kept in its correct orbital slot. The equatorial ellipticity of the earth causes geostationary satellites to drift slowly along the orbit, to one of two stable points, at 75°E and 105°W.
To counter this drift, an oppositely directed velocity component is imparted to the satellite by means of jets, which are pulsed once every 2 or 3 weeks. These maneuvers are termed east-west station-keeping maneuvers.
What is the effect of atmospheric drag on LEO satellites ?
For Low Earth orbiting satellites, the effect of atmospheric drag is more pronounces. The impact of this drag is maximum at the point of perigee. Drag (pull towards the Earth) has an effect on velocity of Satellite (velocity reduces).
This causes the satellite to not reach the apogee height successive revolutions. This leads to a change in value of semi-major axis and eccentricity. Satellites in service are maneuvered by the earth station back to their original orbital position.
This causes the satellite to not reach the apogee height successive revolutions. This leads to a change in value of semi-major axis and eccentricity. Satellites in service are maneuvered by the earth station back to their original orbital position.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
What is Fourier Transform ? Why do we do fourier transform ?
Transform :
Fourier transform gives a frequency
domain representation of time domain signals. It is applicable for both
periodic and aperiodic signals.
An aperiodic signal is one which is
periodic with an infinite period. As the period increases the fundamental
frequency decreases which makes aperiodic signal infinitesimally close in
frequency and the representation in terms of linear combination takes the form
of an integral rather than sum. The resulting spectrum is called Fourier Transform.
It is an extension of Fourier series
for aperiodic signals.
By fourier transform we can represent the signal from time domain to frequency domain , thus we can find the various frequency components contained in given signal. It helps us to find the total Bandwidth required for transmission of given signal.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Explain few limitations of fourier series and how to overcome those limitations.
of Fourier series:
- · It can be used only for periodic inputs and thus not applicable for aperiodic one.
- · It cannot be used for unstable or even marginally stable systems.
Solution to
first limitation is Fourier Transform, that is applicable for aperiodic also.
Solution to
second limitation is Laplace transform by using est .
What is the need of FFT?
FFT and DFT yields same result and are actually same
transforms of converting time or spatial domain signal into frequency domain
signal. FFT is actually an optimized way of getting DFT of a time domain
signal. Computers use FFT method for faster processing to convey time domain
signal to frequency domain signal. The no. of multiplications and additions in
case of FFT are way less than using the actual DFT formula.
This picture has
dimensions 240×320240×320, which is 76,800 pixels.
It takes roughly 7.67 milliseconds to perform
a two-dimensional FFT of this image. How long does it take to evaluate the DFT without using
the FFT algorithm? As far as I know, it’s over one minute. I stopped the
program when one minute had passed.
Another comparison is below :
N-point DFT
N-point FFT
Multiplications: N2
Multiplications: (N/2) log2(N)
Addition: N(N-1)
Addition: Nlog2(N)
Example: N =1000
Additions: 1000x999
Multiplications: 106
Example: N =1000
Additions: 1000log2(1000) = 104(approx.)
Multiplications: 5120 (approx..)
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Why do spacecraft launch from near the equator if possible?
It is better to launch rockets closer to the equator because the Earth rotates at a greater speed here than that at either pole. This extra speed at the equator means a rocket needs less thrust (and therefore less fuel) to launch into orbit.
In addition, launching at the equator provides an additional 1,036 mph (1,667 km/h) of speed once the vehicle reaches orbit. This speed bonus means the vehicle needs less fuel, and that freed space can be used to carry more pay load.
Also read this :
Differenece between FIR and IIR Filter.
FIR vs IIR filter:
finite impulse response (FIR) filter produces an output that will go to zero
when the input goes to zero and stays zero
infinite impulse response (IIR) filter produces an output that may continue
indefinitely even after its input goes to zero and stays zero.
response to an impulse function input is finite
response to an impulse function input is infinite
FIR filter uses
only current and past input digital samples to obtain a current output sample
value. It does not utilize past output samples. Simple FIR equation is
mention below.
y(n)= h(0)x(n) + h(1)x(n-1) +
h(2)x(n-2) + h(3)x(n-3) + h(4)x(n-4)
IIR filter uses
current input sample value, past input and output samples to obtain current
output sample value. Simple IIR equation is mention below.
y(n)= b(0)x(n) + b(1)x(n-1) + b(2)x(n-2) + b(3)x(n-3) + a(1)y(n-1) + a(2)y(n-2) + a(3)y(n-3) |
FIR filters are preferred due to its
linear phase response and also they are non-recursive. Feedback is not
involved in FIR; hence they are stable
IIR filters are not stable as they are
recursive in nature and feedback is also involved in the process of calculating
output sample values.
FIR have no analog equivalent
IIR filters have analog equivalent
FIR filters are used as anti-aliasing,
low pass and baseband filters
IIR filters are used as notch (band stop), band pass
Transfer function of FIR filter will
have only zeros, need more memory
Transfer function of IIR filter will
have both zeros and poles and will require less memory than FIR counterpart.
FIR filter’s z-Transform has zeroes and poles only at 0 + j0, so it is always
IIR filter’s z-Transform has pole(s) and may also have zeroes, so it may be
unstable if any of the poles are outside the unit circle
Filters have linear phase.
filters don’t have linear phase so they are used at places where phase
distortion is tolerable.
FIR filter need higher order than IIR
filter to achieve same performance. Delay is more than IIR filter. It has lower
sensitivity than IIR filter. These are disadvantages of FIR filters.
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